Business and Investment Development Agency

USA - New York

USA - New York

CzechInvest in New York

CzechInvest New York Office for the East Coast is a main contact point for current and future investors from the region. The local office provides all information a potential investor may need to consider the Czech Republic as a suitable investment location.

CzechInvest´s primary aim is to attract foreign direct investment from the US to the Czech Republic and offer American investors comprehensive set of services to allow them to grow their businesses and global footprint. With particular focus on high added value projects in agency’s nine priority industrial sectors – from Information technology through automotive, aerospace, engineering to life sciences and nanotechnology – the Czech Republic offers many competitive advantages for the investors.

CzechInvest is contributing to the Czech research and development scene through ongoing support for foreign direct investment in R&D and by facilitating the formation of international R&D partnerships between universities, research institutes and the private sector.

Besides agency´sprimary goals, CzechInvest has been leveraging extensive network and experiences and got engaged in business development of Czech innovative start-ups on the East Coast of the United States of America.

Mr. Jiri ManakDirector for East Coast Operations+1 (347) 806
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